Watermelon hopes to sweeten up Vancouver city council

VANCOUVER COURIER, August 23rd, 2017

Better known locally as “Watermelon” or “the Weed Diva,” former Wreck Beach staple Mary Jean Dunsdon has announced her candidacy ahead of the Oct. 14 byelection.

She’s running under the Sensible B.C. banner, a group whose primary mandate is ending cannabis prohibition in Canada.

“I really want to help usher in this new era of legal cannabis in Canada,” Dunsdon said. “I think we are on the precipice of something so exciting and I want to be a part of it.”

Read the whole story: http://www.vancourier.com/news/watermelon-hopes-to-sweeten-up-vancouver-city-council-1.22108342

Mary Jean "Watermelon" Dunsdon will run as Vancouver's cannabis-friendly city council candidate

GEORGIA STRAIGHT, August 17th, 2017 

Exactly two years ago, the Straight informed our readers that Watermelon would run for mayor in 2023.

She may not have known it then, but the self-proclaimed weed diva, whose local fame stems from selling cannabis-infused cookies and watermelon on Wreck Beach for 22 years, might be getting her political career started a little sooner than she expected.

She'll run in the City of Vancouver's October 14 by-election for the councillor position that was vacated by Geoff Meggs, as a candidate for the newly created municipal arm of Sensible BC, a provincial party founded by marijuana advocates including Dana Larsen in 2012.

Read the whole article at: https://www.straight.com/cannabis/949716/mary-jean-watermelon-dunsdon-will-run-vancouvers-cannabis-friendly-city-council